
Hackers recently attacked computer systems belonging to the Colonial Pipeline company, forcing them to shut down operations and inhibiting delivery of diesel fuel, gasoline, and jet fuel throughout the East Coast of the United States. The company has responded quickly but cautiously and expects to resume normal operation very soon. In the meantime, a declaration of emergency from the White House allows extended operation of other means of petroleum transport.
IT Infrastructure
Article originally posted by TDS here.  In the last year, thanks to the pandemic, disruption has been the main driver of change in IT. And enterprise organizations have put increased pressure on their IT leaders more than ever before.
IT Infrastructure
Article originially posted by Kemp here.
Original article published by Signal Magazine here. Many federal government agencies are interested in improving their cybersecurity by moving to a zero trust architecture model. But such a move, while very beneficial to the organization, is a complex and involved process that requires some fundamental changes in how security and operations are approached, says Don Maclean, chief cybersecurity technologist for DLT Solutions.
Digital Design
Out of sight, out of mind. It’s all too easy to forget about asset maintenance when the assets themselves aren’t right in front of you. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this became more evident as employees went home and logged into a virtual workplace instead of coming to a physical space.
Big Data & Analytics
Exclusive Interview with DLT Chief Data Scientist, Sherry Bennett and Data Coalition CEO, Nick Hart Sherry: Welcome Nick Hart, CEO of the Data Coalition.  Thank you for participating in our interview today to help launch DLT’s inaugural Data Innovations newsletter.  Nick, please tell me a little bit about your professional career in government and how you became CEO of the Data Coalition.