
DLT's Josh Tehan has experienced every parent’s worst nightmare – being told your child has cancer. His son, Ethan, who is now cancer-free, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at the age of 3 and underwent three years of chemotherapy.  Now that Ethan is living the life of a typical, healthy 15-year-old, his dad wants to help other children and parents going through blood cancer treatment by raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS).   
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a rapid, widespread shift to remote work, necessitating a new approach to security. Many public sector agencies are responding by adopting a Zero Trust model. What is Zero Trust? Why is it important? What’s required to implement it? Let’s explore. What Is Zero Trust?
The Colonial Pipeline hack by DarkSide created Malicious code that resulted in the pipelines shut down, FBI officials have confirmed. According to the company, the Colonial pipeline transports about 45% of the fuel consumed on the East coast. U.S. fuel prices at the pump rose six cents per gallon on the week to $2.967 per gallon for regular unleaded gasoline, the American Automobile Association (AAA) said on Monday, while Wall Street shares in U.S. energy firms were up 1.5%. The U.S. issued emergency legislation on Sunday after a ransomware cyber-attack hit the Colonial Pipeline.
Cybersecurity, Market Intelligence
President Biden has recently issued the “Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity”, which requires government agencies to present plans for implementing a Zero Trust architecture, imposes stringent standards for threat sharing on government contractors and agencies alike, requires software vendors to show a Software Bill of Materials to demonstrate the security of their products, and seeks broad modernization of the Federal government’s cybersecurity posture.
The United States’ pipeline infrastructure, which carries oil, natural gas, and other commodities, is made up of nearly 3 million miles of pipelines. This vital enabler of domestic economic and national security is under constant threat of cyber attack due to its increasing reliance on automation through information technology.
Channel Partners, Digital Design
Americans spend about 90% of their time indoors, according to EPA reports. Whether it is their home, workplace, or another location, people depend heavily on a controlled environment. Everything from the air we breathe to the light we bask in is artificial or at least managed. In shared spaces, it is the responsibility of building owners and managers to provide healthy and safe workplaces.