Ready for the Cloud? Get an Introduction to FedRAMP

Cloud security has long been a concern for government agencies, but FedRAMP, now a 3+ year old program, has changed the way cloud providers think about cloud security standards and is forging an accelerated path for the adoption of secure cloud solutions through reuse of assessments and authorizations. FedRAMP’s goal is simple – to provide a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products. Basically, it’s a “do once, use many times” approach that can save 30-40 percent in government costs and time (by eliminating the need for redundant security assessments on an agency by agency level). To become a FedRAMP-authorized vendor, cloud service providers (CSPs) need to be accredited by a Third Party Assessment Organization (3PAO) and also undergo periodic assessment. It’s the responsibility of individual agencies, however, for selecting a cloud service, leveraging the FedRAMP Process, and requiring CSPs to meet FedRAMP requirements. FedRAMP is mandatory for Federal Agency cloud deployments and service models at the low and moderate risk impact levels. So, if you’re agency is considering cloud and you’re not sure what the FedRAMP process is about, check out the new FedRAMP Online Training Series. Designed for both federal agencies and CSPs the first course available – Introduction to FedRAMP and the Cloud Service Provider Readiness Process – can help you help you learn about the program, how to navigate the process, and answer many of your questions. Continuous Monitoring for Dummies