Cloud Computing: Learn the Steps to Get There

The White House released its Federal Cloud Computing Strategy on February 8, 2011. The new strategy is in conjunction with the OMB’s Cloud First Policy which is intended to accelerate the pace at which federal agencies implement a cloud strategy. According to the document, this strategy is designed to:
  • Articulate the benefits, considerations, and trade-offs of cloud computing
  • Provide a decision framework and case examples to support agencies in migrating towards cloud computing
  • Highlight cloud computing implementation resources
  • Identify Federal Government activities and roles and responsibilities for catalyzing cloud adoption
By now, I’m sure just about everyone is familiar with the many benefits cloud computing offers. So I can safely bet that instead of asking “why,” your question now is “how.” And with this new push released by the White House, there isn’t a better time to get the answer and begin the implementation process. Unfortunately, I don’t have all the answers. But I do know where you can get them. On February 23rd, will be hosting the Best Practices for Achieving Migration to a Cloud Model webcast at 2pm ET. This webcast will explore the steps agencies should take to aid their migration to cloud-based operations. DLT’s own CTO, Van Ristau, will present alongside i360Gov’s expert panel, consisting of Dawn Leaf from NIST, and Greg Potter, In-Stat. In addition to the webcast, a special report that provides further details will be published and distributed to webinar registrants immediately following the presentation. I’ve completed my registration. Will you?