Google Earth Makes the World a Better Place. What do you think?

Google believes that a map can make the world a better place. What do you think? To show this, Google launched Google Earth Builder back in August 2011. In the past month, Earth Builder was recently renamed Google Maps Engine. It has been Google’s goal “to provide cloud services to map-makers who need to store, manage, and (probably) publish maps containing insightful data that is of some value to people looking to do some good in the world.” Google Earth Builder Smells As Sweet By Any Other Name

Top Google Maps Power Tips

Whether you use Google Maps to help you get where you need to go or to deliver up-to-date geospatial data quickly to agency employees, it’s a great resource. However, we tend to not take advantage of its full capabilities. What are some other ways you can utilize this great tool? Here are some useful Google Maps power tips:

So What Happened to “Shovel Ready”?

Bumper-to-bumper traffic is incredibly frustrating when you have no idea as to the cause of it. That’s the way it goes in the Washington, DC metro area! And, while I know there is construction and repair to the transportation arteries in and around the DC metro area, seemingly, I must have the world’s worst short term memory, because every day I get frustrated in my effort to get home. Until the other day… Speaking recently in Kansas, President Obama said, “I believe that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot”. Hearing the President talk about the US facing “a make or break moment for the middle class”: I recalled from high school history class that middle class growth was at its greatest starting in the 50’s and throughout the 70’s. So, I got on the “Google Machine” and started searching for any information that would satisfy my curiosity about middle class growth during that 30 year period and its contributors. One of the biggest contributors to job growth and the rise of the US middle class was Infrastructure expansion. Two years ago the President signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law giving $46 billion for transportation projects, including $27 billion for highway and bridge construction and repair and $11.5 billion for mass transit and rail projects. Wow, I thought, this ought to create jobs and alleviate the congestion that causes me so much aggravation; that was 2 years ago!! What happened?

Google Government Tech Day in Denver

On Thursday, November 17, Google and “[acronym]’s sponsor, DLT Solutions hosted a live technology seminar at the Sheraton Denver West Hotel in Lakewood, CO. The Tech Day highlighted DLT Solutions’ partnership with Google to provide innovative technologies that help government agencies with Enterprise solutions. Google product experts spoke to Federal Civilian and State and Local government employees about how these modern technology solutions allow them to meet the current challenges of their agency.

Upcoming Google Government Tech Day in Denver

On Thursday, November 17, Google and DLT Solutions are hosting a live technology seminar in Denver, Colorado. The Tech Day will be held at the Sheraton Denver West Hotel in Lakewood, CO. Government agencies around the country are rapidly adopting Google's enterprise solutions to manage information & promote teamwork, while lowering their IT costs. Learn from Google product experts how these modern technology solutions allow you to meet the current challenges of your agency. You will see, in a briefing and in demonstration, today's art of the possible and a compelling vision for the future!

FOIA My Foot – Inefficient File Search wastes $15.4 Billion Annually

The below blog was written by and published with permission by Steve O’Keeffe. Steve O'Keeffe is the founder of MeriTalk – – the government IT network. MeriTalk is an online community that hosts professional networking, thought leadership, and focused events to drive the government IT dialogue. A 20-year veteran of the government IT community, O'Keeffe has worked in government and industry. In addition to MeriTalk, he founded Telework Exchange, GovMark Council, and O’Keeffe & Company It seems amnesia is in fashion in D.C. OMB's data center consolidation admission that it stumbled across an additional 1,000 data centers was greeted by more smirks than surprise. Now that gives a whole new meaning to "government oversight." But, it seems that server farms aren't the only thing the Federal government's mislaying. According to a new MeriTalk study, "Uncle Sam's Lost & Found - $15.4B," Federal agencies are challenged to lay hand on information in their own databases and servers.

The Value of Geospatial Technology

I was reading the latest issue of On The FrontLines entitled, “Geospatial Trends in Government”, and it got me thinking just how ingrained and valuable geospatial technology is in our everyday lives. From our cell phones ability to pinpoint our exact location to being able to reduce and solve crime, geospatial information has a hand in nearly everything we do.