Autodesk Teams up With Box for Easy Design File Sharing

If you like to use the popular Box file-sharing services, then you'll love this. Autodesk has just become a key partner of Box which means that accessing and sharing design and engineering files just got a whole lot easier. In the past Box users were frustratingly unable to view or share their design files, but now users can take advantage of the new integration between Autodesk A360 and Box to view, share, and review designs.

How Engineers and Designers can Master Soft Skills

By Jean Thilmany

You know your way around a job site or a shop floor like nobody’s business. You know the software inside out. You have awesome “hard skills,” but what about “soft skills” for engineers and designers?

And what are soft skills, exactly? It’s those personality traits and characteristics that make one person a “people person,” the other an office hermit.

Which CAD Training Makes Sense for Your Agency?

Written by Shaun Bryant

It’s 1988. I have received my joining instructions for my first AutoCAD Basic course, and off I go to sit in a classroom with 21-inch CRT monitors, a projector, a screen (if I am lucky), and a flipchart/whiteboard (with pens!), plus the all-knowledgeable AutoCAD instructor. In my case, my instructor was a lovely guy named Andy Corden, who later in my career became my applications engineer when I worked in CAD sales. Small world, huh?

State & Local Agencies: Don't Lose Your Unspent FY'2015 Funding

State and local fiscal year-end is fast approaching, and it's a great time to make an investment in design software and services. After all, unspent funding is not only a lost opportunity, it may send a signal to budget-setters that they should reduce funding next year.

With Autodesk's 2016 software release now fully rolled out, now is a great time to review your design, visualization and collaboration needs and make the most of your remaining budget.

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