An Internet of Things Demo Jam: Setting the Stage

On October 18th, DLT competed at a fun and spirited “Demo Jam” contest during the Red Hat’s public sector annual meeting at Kingsmill.  The demo had to be live, no longer than eight minutes and had to showcase at least one Red Hat product.  We included nine Red Hat products, plus quite a few other technologies, taking a lighthearted look at the internet of things.  Against stiff competition and by audience selection, we won first place!  Unfortunately, the audio on any recording of the event itself was drowned out by cheers, tambourines and cow bells,

Meltdown and Spectre: Here’s What Our Partners Are Doing to Protect You

No sooner do you have your arms around one cybersecurity vulnerability then another surfaces. This time it’s Meltdown and Spectre, both of which can cause data leak from kernel memory. These vulnerabilities are particularly worrying since they impact practically all computers and involve multiple IT vendors including processor players Intel, AMD, Qualcomm, and ARM.

The Inconvenient Truth About Professional Development in the Government Workplace

When you think of learning or professional development in the workplace, what thoughts spring to mind? Enduring another lunch and learn where a colleague shares their insights? Struggling to stay awake through another PowerPoint?

That kind of learning can be drudgery, even if it does come with a free lunch. But it doesn’t have to be that way. As Natalie Portman said: “I don’t love studying. I hate studying. I like learning. Learning is beautiful.

The 70:20:10 Rule

This is Why 2018 Will Be the Year of Blockchain in Government

There’s been a lot of buzz about blockchain in 2017. It was only a few months ago in March 2017 that Betanews predicted that blockchain would be the buzzword that would take 2017 by storm. And it did, expanding beyond the financial community where it’s had a home for several years and breaking into other enterprise sectors.

But few foretold that blockchain would have such a hand in government digital transformation in 2017. In fact, the two go hand in hand.

What is Blockchain?