Government Procurement - What's the Big Deal?

In my last blog, I outlined why public sector is an attractive market and draws the attention of many companies, especially when the commercial market is soft.  I also mentioned that only those companies who add real value have a chance to win and the “Johnny Come Lately’s” have a real challenge to try and be successful.  Today, I look at one element of this complex market – the procurement process.

Symantec and Gideon Technologies Acquisition - A natural IT Management software combination

Last week Symantec announced it had signed a definitive agreement to acquire privately-held Gideon Technologies, Inc. Gideon Technologies should fit well in the Symantec security suite, judging by initial press releases and Web feeds based on the two technologies. Gideon’s ability to provide automated IT security and risk management with Security Content Automation Proto

We Intend to Add Value through the DLT Gov Biz Perspective Blog

Because of its large size and diverse information technology challenges, it is no wonder that many organizations pursue business opportunities within the public sector IT market.  DLT Solutions has been partnering with leading manufacturers and its public sector customers to create IT solutions to support government missions for more than 19 years now.  In that time, w

What we hope you will take away from the DLT Gov IT Perspective Blog

When you combine DLT’s more than 18 years of experience with public sector information technology with my own more than 30 years, it adds up to quite a bit of perspective.  Those many years of experience have given us collectively and me personally a certain amount of insight into the big picture of government policy and practice surrounding the use of information technology.In this blog, we hope to provide value to our customers and partners, by sharing just some of that insight as it relates to the news and issues of today.  So, you can expect to find information here on everythin