Autodesk Employees Volunteer with KnowledgeWell to Help Preserve Historic Kosrae Using Reality Capture Software and BIM

Kosrae, an island in the South Pacific located between Guam and the Hawaiian Islands, was settled as early as 1250. But much of the island’s rich history is unknown by the people who live there, as well as the handful of scuba divers who visit annually to explore the pristine coral reefs surrounding the island.

CAD Awards and Expo – Virtual Awards and Great Educational Content for All

We’re busy here at Acronym preparing for our 2nd annual Public Sector CAD Awards Wed, Feb 6. More than just an awards ceremony, this year’s virtual event includes some exciting educational sessions and an industry showcase from our sponsors! Whether you are a designer, facilities manager, engineer, or a BIM or CAD manager, you’ll find value in the content presented in one of our many sessions throughout the event.

Government Agencies Participate in Geography Awareness Week to Share Expertise with School Kids

By Nancy Mann Jackson Twenty-five years ago, the National Geographic Society’s Geography Education Program launched Geography Awareness Week (GA Week), an awareness program focused on highlighting the importance of geo-literacy and geo-education. GA Week is celebrated every third week of November with educational programs, activities and celebrations around the world. Increasingly, geography professionals have gotten involved in GA Week activities, volunteering their time to help produce activities, make presentations at local schools, and otherwise share their expertise with their communities. Professionals who give their time during GA Week say they find it gratifying to share their expertise with the public, educate their communities about the important discipline of geography, and spark the interest of future geographers.

Time’s Running Out! Last Chance to Enter our 2012 Public Sector CAD Awards

Have you entered our 2012 Public Sector CAD Awards yet? We already extended the deadline once and this is it, December 14 is looming, it’s time to get your nominations in. As we stated before, this isn’t just about great designs (although we definitely want to hear about those) it’s also about sharing how design technology has helped you change the business of government (read more about what we’re looking for).

2012 Autodesk University Highlights

AU 2012 is finally over and it ended as one of the best AU Conferences to date. Missed the Event? Don’t fret; I’m here to fill you in. The first day of events started off with the keynote at the Mandalay Bay Hotel. The keynotes speakers included Jeff Kowalski, CTO of Autodesk, who spoke on “Beyond Form: The Whole Design Process. Then there was Dezso Molnar, CTO of Molnari, Inc., who explained his innovative Gyrocycle. Christine Furstoss, Technical Director of Manufacturing & Materials Technologies at GE spoke about the Third Industrial Revolution. The audience was then treated with a surprise guest, Schuyler St. Leger who is a 12 year old boy that specializes in energy. Autodesk CEO, Carl Bass, hoped on stage to join Schuyler in a very entertaining presentation. Lynn Allen, Autodesk Technical Evangelist ended with tips for AU and upcoming events.

Virtual Event: [acronym] Public Sector CAD Awards and Expo – Meet our Winners and Learn from the Experts

Mark your calendars for the 2nd annual [acronym] Public Sector CAD Awards and Expo! Join us and your government peers online February 6, 2013, as we announce the winners of the 2012 CAD Awards via a live streaming event. But wait there’s more! The virtual event will also feature opportunities to learn, explore trends and technologies, and network with our sponsors and your peers.