Key Takeways From Recent SolarWinds & SANS Cybersecurity Survey

Last week, SolarWinds, working alongside SANS, released the results of an information security survey, involving more than 120 government IT professionals. It was conducted to identify the impact of cybersecurity threats and the use of security analytics and intelligence to resolve those threats. We’ve reviewed their report and have identified these five interesting takeaways:

Federal Agency Modernizes Its Identity Management System

It has become a top priority for government agencies to maintain a secure directory without limiting the amount of data users can access. The Federal CIO Council’s subcommittee created the FICAM mandate to protect sensitive personal information amidst cybersecurity concerns. Learn how the DLT Solutions Professional Services team worked with Oracle solved an agency's security challenge.

Building the Next Generation of Cyber Defenders

Jim Wiggins is the Executive Director of the Federal IT Security Institute (FITSI). FITSI is a non-profit organization that provides a role-based IT security certification program targeted at the federal workforce. Jim was a keynote speaker at our recent GovDefenders Cybersecurity Virtual Event. His presentation was, “Building the Next Generation of Cyber Defenders" which you can now watch for free.

GovDefenders Wednesdays | NASCIO Midyear Conference: Focus on Cybersecurity

DLT Solutions has been a corporate member of the National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO) for several years. We support the organization's conferences and serve on several NASCIO committees. This year's Midyear Conference was held in April in Washington D.C. and was attended by about 500 state CIOs, CIO staff members, and corporate sponsors. The event is usually rich with panels on topics of keen interest to members and presentations by Federal Government officials, and this year was no exception.