Test Driving the Cloud

Contrary to a sea of white papers and hours of slick video clips, the point when your back is against the wall is NOT the time to start looking to “the cloud” to save you. Instead, you need to start with a controllable situation of your own choosing that is as far from the fire, but as close to reality as possible. The IT battlefield is littered with mangled reputations and dead careers from those who picked up the shiny new technology-of-the-month and went chasing windmills, while hordes of very real IT problems overpowered them in a cruel game of attrition. Cloud technologies can help even the odds in many situations; however they very rarely can go straight into production without a proper evaluation. After all, you’re not just playing with technology here, but with workflow & mindset as well.

DLT Cloud Advisory Group a Finalist for 2012 IES&BD Award

DLT Solutions and its Cloud Advisory Group have been named one of four finalists in the Excellence in Team Building, Management and Development category of the 2012 Institute for Excellence in Sales & Business Development (IES&BD) annual awards. The IES&BD Awards are the only independent awards that promote and advance excellence in Sales & Business Development by recognizing companies and organizations who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and strategic vision in Sales & Business Development.

Access control challenges are cloud’s nemesis

This year’s RSA conference was a deluge of technology centered on the usual security suspects with an addition of recent year themes surrounding the challenges of cloud computing. Two years ago the conference was all about cloud, last year it was “Bob and Alice” (the challenges of compliance vs. defection surrounding lack of trust in cyberspace).This year’s “Mightier than the Sword” theme was the next logical step towards cyber warfare. After all, regardless of the strength of security controls, the presence of global information availability coupled with the absence of trust inevitably tends toward war. Perhaps it is time to work on this “trust” problem. After all, it’s all about risk… right?

Shadowy clouds for shady businesses

As more companies and their employees look to cloud solutions, there is a corresponding uptick in anti-IT rants along the lines of the following: “Why do we need this archaic, lumbering, anti-progressive weight around the fast, nimble, amazingness that is our business? We can just go to FooCloud.com on our new, hot tablet and do everything we need to do without interference. That'll show those IT dinosaurs!” IT folks spend their entire working life ensuring that you don't know what it is we do for a living. Not because it is too complex and not because it is unimportant, but rather because if you do need us, then something is broken. We are often compared to electricians, plumbers and infrastructure maintenance. While those comparisons can be apt – we fix broken things you don't or can't fix – it misses a good amount of our responsibilities and doesn't account for any of the challenges we face. There also exist two major tribes of IT folks (Yes, I'm lumping all of the different specialties together): Operations and Enterprise. The differences between these two are subtle but important; it’s why I can't fix my mother's laptop, but I can design your brand new data center facility.

Cloud and Continuous Monitoring

Continuous monitoring involves assessing an agency’s information security posture based on changes to risk resulting from new threats or newly discovered vulnerabilities. The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems (Special Publication 800‐37, Revision 1) specifies continuous monitoring as one of the six steps in information security. As agencies begin looking at cloud initiatives, the challenge is implementing a continuous monitoring program that reduces risk and ensures compliance with NIST and other relevant guidance in an environment of decreased control. The solution begins with knowing where compliance ends and risk begins.

Choosing the Right Cloud Services

Each cloud service and delivery model is designed to meet specific business requirements. Some offer greater cost savings, but may not provide the appropriate level of visibility and security. Others may offer higher levels of security, but at the expense of elasticity and costs. The key is to find the best fit for the business requirements and the IT service.

For Crying Out Cloud

Cloud computing and virtualization. If you work within the federal, state and local, and higher education IT industries, you most likely have been exposed to these terms. However, for some, understanding the distinction between the two can be a little confusing. This year at FOSE 2011, DLT Solutions and Quest Software helped visitors cut through the fog of uncertainty surrounding this issue. During the event, DLT asked public-sector IT professionals to participate in a series of “Minute to Win It” style games to illustrate the complexities of cloud computing and virtualization. These games were designed to show participants that not everything is as simple as it looks which according to a Norwich University study*, proves that they are not alone.

As in Nature, Clouds Come in Many Shapes

Cloud computing expands on the many existing choices that are already available to IT for the delivery of IT services. Currently, we have RISC, x86, ATOM and ARM processors. We have Windows, Linux, UNIX, and mainframe operating systems. We also have a number of choices for application servers, databases, and development languages. The good thing about having these choices is that it allows architects to pick the best fit (either client-server or mainframe platforms) for the delivery of IT services (applications). Cloud computing is really no different. There are a number of different cloud services and delivery models, and each should be evaluated for a best fit for the targeted application. Different cloud services will cater to different security profiles, different developer environments, different levels of control, and different kinds of applications. Each cloud service model has different business and IT benefits and challenges.