FedRAMP Serves up a New User Experience

FedRAMP (The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program) is changing. By the end of 2015, FedRAMP, aka the FISMA for the cloud, is anticipated to add high-impact cloud systems (it currently only authorizes low- and moderate-impact levels).

While only 12% of all federal systems are labeled as high impact (mostly DoD and DHS), as more agencies move to use cloud services, the need for a high-impact baseline standard is growing.

The Need for Clarity about FedRAMP Processes

7 Free eBooks that Demystify Public Sector IT Trends

Who doesn’t love a freebie! But what about a freebie that can actually help you make better decisions about your technology purchases – whether you’re a CIO, program manager, IT manager or end user.

DLT has assembled a large selection of eBooks that set about to demystify technology concepts – from cloud computing to continuous monitoring, and more. We help you go beyond lofty concepts and get down to the nitty gritty of how your agency can find and make the best of its investments.

How to Ensure Your Cloud is Not Just a “Legacy System of the Future”

Cloud is a big investment, and the pace of adoption over the past few years has reflected this with agencies albeit tip toeing towards cloud. In the past 12 months, however, the cloud is on the move, with IDC Government Insights predicting that a 25% growth in the sourcing of government clouds will drive cross-governmental initiatives by 2018.

5 Ways Procuring the Government Cloud is Different

5 Things Every Agency Should Know About Procuring Cloud Services

If your agency is making the move to cloud services, it can expect cost-savings, improved service delivery, and all the great things that the cloud brings. But for procurement and purchasing officials whose practices and contracting vehicles were designed to help managers provision hardware and software, not on-demand services like the cloud, it can all cause a bit of a frenzy.