Market Intelligence

DLT’s Enterprise Agreement Platform provides best value to 45,000+ Department of Commerce employees with simplified procurement and competitive pricing for a complete portfolio of Tableau solutions.

Is data the new bacon? The world’s most valuable resource? The fuel that powers the digital enterprise? Whatever metaphor you choose, the point holds that the most successful companies in the world build their business around compelling insights derived from data.
Data Sheet
The Cloudera Data Science Workbench (CDSW) is an enterprise data science platform that accelerates data science and machine learning projects by providing a robust yet familiar environment for model building with self-service access to data.
Solution Brief
The company has updated the DataFlow software it acquired along with Hortonworks for managing data in motion. Specifically, it has added capabilities for edge data collection, routing and management.
Data Sheet
Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) is a comprehensive edge-to-enterprise streaming data platform. It addresses the key data management challenges with streaming and IoT data for all types of enterprises.
Read this backgrounder on Idaptive's Next-Gen Access.
Solution Brief
Are your cloud, mobile, and on-premises apps giving attackers a foothold in your business?
Solution Brief
It’s no surprise that data breaches and cyber attacks continue to garner worldwide media attention. In fact, compromised identities are at the center of these major cyber attacks and thus pose the greatest threat to your enterprise. 
Data Sheet
Successfully managing access in today’s digital world presents significant challenges, especially now that stolen access credentials are the leading cause of data breaches. Recognized as a leader by Gartner®, Forrester® and KuppingerCole, Idaptive’s cloud-based identity-as-a-service (IDaaS) solution allows users to securely access all the application and services they need with only one set of credentials.
Solution Brief
Data Sheet
Passwords alone are not enough to verify a user’s identity and protect businesses from data loss, fraud and malicious attacks. Login credentials are more valuable than ever, as companies adopt more cloud applications, services and infrastructure. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) makes it harder for attackers to get in.
The rapid rise in SaaS adoption and an increasingly mobile workforce has made old security models based on a strong perimeter defense obsolete. By extension, on-premises Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions have followed suit.
 With the recent cybersecurity attacks, now is the time to rethink your AV strategy!
The struggles that agencies face when trying to jumpstart cloud initiatives can be daunting, so it is important to get the right experts on board. 
Solution Brief
This playbook will show you how to implement a data strategy to improve decision-making speed, become more citizen-centric and promote more seamless change management by developing a data-driven culture within your agency.