The following case studies, Defense Manufacturing and BIM for Buildings, provides information on how the DoD and the public sector are utilizing AutoCAD software to improve communication and collaboration between agencies, cost effectiveness and productivity when designing and manufacturing various projects. Find out how this software could be used in your agency to improve workflow processes and reduce cost without sacrificing the quality of work.

Read this brief to find more information about how the application of digital design software can improve several processes by helping agencies stay under budget, reduce errors and increases efficiency.
While efficiency and cost effectiveness are always important goals for defense manufacturing, they are especially critical during periods of heightened national security and ongoing Federal budget pressure. Despite resource constraints, the demands on defense manufacturing are greater than ever. Read more...

BIM is a comprehensive software solution that incorporates all the necessary elements of planning, designing, building and managing for infrastructure into one place, allowing for ongoing updates of information across systems and users.
For decades, architects, engineers and contractors have facilitated building design and redesign projects with computer-assisted design and drafting software. Two dimensional computer aided design (CAD) systems compile thousands of architectural drawings for one building to show how the building fits together. Read more...

BIM software saves money by keeping projects on target, improving communication, and enabling energy and conservation analysis.
City, state and local government engineers who oversee infrastructure initiatives often do not have the luxury of working with linear projects that have an expected set of plans and timelines. Engineers, GIS Managers or other infrastructure-designated personnel take on broader domains of oversight, and must manage circular and repetitive planning processes relating to infrastructure elements from supervision of planning and conceptual design components to construction and management. Read more...