LogZilla is revolutionizing network monitoring and management for the Federal and State, Local, and Education (SLED) markets. Our advanced log management and analytics solution addresses significant challenges faced by network administrators, ensuring seamless operations and robust security. With LogZilla, you can eliminate data silos, coordinating multiple sources of IT Ops data to reduce "alert fatigue" and provide true end-to-end service assurance.

Key Features and Benefits

Aggregating and Managing Log Data
LogZilla excels in aggregating and managing log data from diverse sources. Our platform normalizes data and provides actionable insights in real-time. Designed to handle "log storms" efficiently, it automatically deduplicates and normalizes data, even during peak log volumes, maintaining operational continuity and security during high-stress periods.

Real-Time Data Analysis and Event Correlation
Real-time data analysis and event correlation are critical for proactive network management. LogZilla provides instantaneous insights and automated alerts, enabling swift responses to potential threats and anomalies.

Intuitive Interface and Automated Features
Our intuitive interface and automated self-healing features streamline operations, reducing the need for extensive training and allowing administrators to focus on mission-critical tasks. Customizable dashboards allow you to prioritize key metrics and data points for immediate visibility, tailoring the solution to meet your specific needs.

Integration and Scalability
LogZilla fits seamlessly into your current network infrastructure, enhancing your existing tools and processes. Our solution’s advanced features, such as deduplication, normalization, real-time event correlation, and automated self-healing, revolutionize network monitoring and management. Empower your network with LogZilla to maintain a secure, efficient, and resilient infrastructure.

Easy Installation and Setup
LogZilla installs in seconds, allowing you to quickly integrate it into your network environment. Our app store includes push-button installations for the most popular vendor logs, simplifying the process of getting started and ensuring you have the logs you need at your fingertips.

Compliance and Data Integrity
Ensuring compliance with various standards and certifications, LogZilla provides robust data integrity even in high-risk environments.

WATCH a DLT and LogZilla Special Edition Webinar: How Public Sector IT Teams Reduce Splunk Costs by over 50% in Less than 10 Minutes

Contract Name Contract Number Sector State
2GIT 47QTCA21A000Y Federal
CIO-CS HHSN316201500012W Federal
GSA Multiple Award Schedules GS-35F-267DA Federal, State
National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) - Systems and Information Management Software 01-136 / 01-164 National Texas
OMNIA Partners, Public Sector Software IDIQ R190902 State Texas
SEWP V Group A: NNG15SC07B; Group D: NNG15SC98B Federal
State of California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) 3-16-70-1047B State California
State of New Mexico Multi-Vendor IDIQ 60-000-16-00075 State New Mexico