Devo is the only cloud-native logging and security analytics platform that empowers public sector IT and cybersecurity teams to log, detect, investigate, hunt and stop threats to safeguard government and citizens. With unrivaled scale to collect all of your data without compromise, speed to give you immediate access and answers, and clarity to focus on the signals that matter most, all at significant savings over other solutions.

The Devo platform: Transform your SOC with speed, scale and clarity.

The speed and efficiency needed to protect the enterprise. Seconds matter when it comes to defending your organization. Devo arms your analysts with the fastest query capabilities, real-time alerting and data analytics, and 400 days of always-hot data. All together you get unsurpassed visibility and the ability to keep pace with attackers.

Onboard more SOC analysts and ingest more data. Seamlessly integrate all your data sources and ease your scaling worries. Devo exceeds your needs with none of the infrastructure management overhead. Stop worrying about search volume and concurrency. Devo supports thousands of always real-time concurrent queries. That’s what confidence in a logging and security analytics platform feels like.

Hear the Signal, Stop the Noise.

Contract Name Contract Number Sector State
2GIT 47QTCA21A000Y Federal
CIO-CS HHSN316201500012W Federal
Equalis Group CCoG – Cloud Solutions COG-2139A
GSA Multiple Award Schedules GS-35F-267DA Federal, State
Information Technology Enterprise Solutions - Software2 (ITES-SW2) W52P1J-20-D-0047 Federal
National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) - Systems and Information Management Software 01-136 / 01-164 National Texas
SEWP V Group A: NNG15SC07B; Group D: NNG15SC98B Federal
State of California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) 3-16-70-1047B State California
State of New Mexico Multi-Vendor IDIQ 60-000-16-00075 State New Mexico
State of Texas DIR Software, COTS, and Services IDIQ DIR-CPO-5677 State Texas
TIPS 210101 State Texas