Bitsight transforms how organizations manage cyber risk. The Bitsight Security Ratings Platform applies sophisticated algorithms, producing daily security ratings that range from 250 to 900, to help manage their own security performance; mitigate third party risk; underwrite cyber insurance policies; conduct M&A due diligence and assess aggregate risk. With over 1,800 global customers and the largest ecosystem of users and information, Bitsight is the most widely used Security Ratings Service. 

Contract Name Contract Number Sector State
Equalis Group CCoG – Cybersecurity COG-2127B
GSA Multiple Award Schedules GS-35F-267DA Federal, State
Information Technology Enterprise Solutions - Software2 (ITES-SW2) W52P1J-20-D-0047 Federal
OMNIA Partners, Public Sector Software IDIQ R240304 State Texas
SEWP V Group A: NNG15SC07B; Group D: NNG15SC98B Federal
State of Texas DIR Software, COTS, and Services IDIQ DIR-CPO-5677 State Texas

Bitsight’s Security Performance Management: WFH-RO Visibility allows customers to:

  • Discover security issues that reside on remote office IPs to help inform existing incident response or insider threat activities.
  • Monitor higher risk remote operating environments.
  • Educate employees on potential security issues as part of security training and awareness programs.

Analysis of Bitsight's data confirms that infected devices are prevalent in the home environment. In fact, more than 90% of currently infected machines are associated with internet service providers, which are commonly consumer devices on home networks. As organizations undergo this shift to working from home, use of insecure networks or infected personal machines can create significant new risk.

Contact DLT to learn more.