Our Vision

More Java.
We believe in a Java-centric software world. Where developers, users, professionals, and the community demand more, expect more, and get more. More capabilities. More performance. More security. And ultimately more value and success for our customers who depend on us for an exceptional Java experience.

Our Strategy

More Azul.
To make Azul the heart of every modern cloud enterprise by prioritizing our customers’ success, maintaining our unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence, and advancing Java through community leadership.

Azul is the largest company 100% focused on Java and the JVM, with the largest Java engineering team after Oracle, presence in 14 countries, channel partners covering 88 countries, and over 100 technology partners creating joint solutions for various industries and use cases.

The Java platform for the modern cloud enterprise

Develop, deliver, optimize and manage Java applications with the certainty of performance, security, value and success.

Azul Platform Core

MORE JAVA—at least 80% less cost than Oracle.
Azul Platform Core is designed for the enterprise, with the certified builds, tight security, and cost efficiencies you need to run today’s business–critical, Java-based services.

Azul Platform Prime

A truly superior Java platform that can cut your infrastructure costs in half.
Azul Platform Prime turbocharges the performance and scalability of your Java ecosystem with a hyper-optimized runtime that maximizes performance while driving down infrastructure costs.

Azul Intelligence Cloud

Azul Intelligence Cloud is a family of products that applies cloud resources to analyze and optimize Java fleets and provide actionable intelligence. It applies the full power of customers' cloud infrastructure toward optimizing execution and gaining cost efficiencies. It helps IT and application leaders deliver on a seemingly paradoxical set of priorities: deliver innovative cloud-based applications while also decreasing infrastructure costs in a business environment where improving margins is often a matter of survival.

Contract Name Contract Number Sector State
CIO-CS HHSN316201500012W Federal
Information Technology Enterprise Solutions - Software2 (ITES-SW2) W52P1J-20-D-0047 Federal
National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) - Systems and Information Management Software 01-136 / 01-164 National Texas
SEWP V Group A: NNG15SC07B; Group D: NNG15SC98B Federal
TIPS 210101 State Texas