University of Mary Washington AWS IDIQ

About / Contract Overview
As a public, liberal arts university, the University of Mary Washington community is dedicated to providing a diverse, accepting, and supportive environment that holds all of its members to the highest standards of conduct, scholarship, integrity, inclusiveness, respect, and engagement. Through a commitment to these values, we strive to transform our academic community into a place where all will learn, thrive, and grow.
The Virginia Association of State College and University Purchasing Professionals (VASCUPP) was established in 1992 with the objective of identifying opportunities for cooperative procurements and cost savings for higher education institutions in Virginia, and over the years that objective has not changed. The current 11 members of VASCUPP continuously collaborate on cooperative procurements, procurement practice, and source selection, which ultimately allow for savings through leveraged spend and reduced administrative effort.
This acceptance agreement signifies a contract award to DLT Solutions, LLC to provide Autodesk Software Licenses and Subscriptions.
Learn More and Request a Quote
To learn more about the products and services DLT provides for the University of Mary Washington AWS IDIQ (UCPUMW 15-400) or to obtain a quote, please call 800.262.4DLT (4358), or email or fax 866.708.6867.
In addition, please refer to the following information about DLT’s contract:
- Master Agreement
- University of Mary Washington AWS IDIQ Renewal
- University of Mary Washington Contract Information
For any unresolved issues, problematic orders, or post-delivery issues, please contact DLT's Contracts Program Office:
Adam Pritchard
Program Manager
Tel: 800.262.4DLT (4358)