OMNIA Partners

Contract Number:
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OMNIA Partners simplifies procurement for State and Local Governments. Their cooperative purchasing approach focuses on efficiency, compliance, and value, so you can get what you need without the hassle.

Using the lead public agency contracting model, OMNIA ensures all of the cooperative contracts are compliant with public purchasing regulations and are competitively solicited for better efficiency and benefits to your procurement strategy. And, their industry-leading suppliers offer top-notch pricing, giving you confidence in your purchases.

OMNIA acquired National Cooperative Purchase Alliance (NCPA) in 2022. The acquisition augments OMNIA’s ability to provide procurement options for state and local government, K-12 education, and higher education institutions.

TD SYNNEX brings the most relevant technology solutions to the OMNIA Partners public sector community with more than 3,000,000 technology products from more than a thousand of the world’s leading and emerging manufacturers. TD SYNNEX deep expertise focuses on technology and vertical markets, working in collaborative teams to build next-generation solutions where the two intersect. They are partners in navigating technology growth opportunities for their manufacturing and reseller partners. TD SYNNEX constantly reevaluate and evolve our go-to-market strategies to help their partners stay relevant in the ever-changing world of technology.

Contracts Links:

OMNIA Partners, Public Sector Software IDIQ -- R190902

U.S. Communities OMNIA (Oracle) -- 180233

Omnia Partners IOWA OCIO Oracle IDIQ -- 2019BUS0430

National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) -- 01-136 / 01-164