
What is THINK in 2022?

THINK is where we show clients how IBM applies expertise and technology — from AI and automation to hybrid cloud and cybersecurity — to creating a brighter future. This year, we’re offering a hybrid experience consisting of both a virtual event and a live conference starting in May.

On May 9th, we will begin with the Think Broadcast — a free digital event that’s open to everyone. This broadcast begins with a series of Q&A workshops highlighting emerging technology and innovation. Join us as we gather IT visionaries to explore real-world scenarios and how the creative use of technology is solving major problems:

  • Leading in a changing world
  • Modernize business with hybrid cloud
  • Putting sustainability strategy into action

Following this, we'll invite you to join Think on Tour: a series of small, invite-only events happening around the world. Not only that, but you will have access to IBM's roundtable news desk where we gather IT analysts, Innovation Talk speakers, and top CEOs to explore best practices for leveraging cognitive computing, IoT, and quantum computing. You won't want to miss these events, secure your spot today!

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