
Open Source
With the growing necessity for companies to digitally transform, a lot of emphasis has been given to the microservices architecture, with its improved scalability and distributed design.  While these facets may apply to some, adopting microservices is equally about the universal DevOps goals of improving lead times and reducing the batch size of releases, ultimately leading to more flexible and frequent production deployments of higher quality software.
Digital Design
Advanced Solutions' Tech Talks are educational webinars offered and hosted exclusively by one of our Autodesk Certified Instructors. Tech Talks cover a wide variety of topics for the architecture, engineering, construction, infrastructure, and manufacturing industries.  These one hour sessions take the technology beyond typical software instruction allowing users to streamline processes with simple enhancements and get the most out of their technology investment. Check out Advanced Solutions’ upcoming Tech Talks.
Digital Design
The promise of the latest Facilities Management (FM) software is an exciting one of reduced asset and space management costs, increased productivity and a better-managed asset lifecycle.  One downside of implementing new technology is that it increases productivity in one area and exposes or exacerbates bottlenecks or gaps in data or processes in another.  Facilities management implementations have an Achilles’ heel called data.
Data & Storage
As costs have declined, all-flash storage has become the de facto enterprise standard for primary storage and the foundation for any cloud – internal, SaaS, or public. For the public sector, flash can address agency modernization efforts (mobile, data analytics and cloud) and help cut costs and reduce power and space requirements, despite growing data sets. Consider the benefits:
Digital Design
If you’re in the business of airport design and engineering, you may want to check out this class from Autodesk University (now available on demand for free). Presented by Creg Dieziger, a senior civil engineer designer with Morrison-Maierle and 28-year veteran in the civil engineering field.
IT Perspective
For the past few years, the word “open” has been a cornerstone of government IT. Not open in terms of security, of course—that would never do—but open in relation to technology that allows for greater agility and flexibility, as outlined in the Federal Source Code Policy.