
Open Source
Open source application development and delivery tools provide compelling value for developers and often fill holes that commercial tools, with their relatively fixed function set, can’t fill. But a new report from Forrester, suggests that open source tools can’t do it all. After surveying 150 U.S. application development and IT professionals, Forrester found that open source tools play an important role in the software delivery pipeline, they aren’t a silver bullet.
Digital Design
The revitalization of U.S. infrastructure is once again a hot topic as the new White House administration pledges to invest in the nation’s roads, bridges and airports. Politics aside, it’s a timely imperative. Once again, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has ranked U.S. infrastructure at a D+ grading.
Two years on from the massive Office of Personnel Management (OPM) data breach, current and former officials have concluded that the greatest fallout from the hack was not the loss of documents and personal identifiable information, but to the government’s reputation, reports NextGov.
Open Source
When looking to build a microservice, you may have come across two pieces of advice; start with a monolith, and don’t start with a monolith.  For a good number of us developers in the trenches, the point looks irrelevant because we already have a monolith, so one to-do completed and moving on.  Not so fast!  The discussion goes beyond the greenfield experience of where to start.  Instead, within the “don’t start with a monolith” advice
On the heels of their big announcement, McAfee hosted the recent “Security Through Innovation” conference sponsored by DLT, where government and industry executives touted key ideas, changes of mindset that we need to start to win the cybersecurity war.  Covering everything from Cloud to private/public partnerships, to CDM and infrastructure, here are the top 3 key takeaways from DLT's Chief Cyber Technologist Don Maclean.
IT Perspective
In the ever changing technology landscape, IT companies are constantly perfecting their products to keep up. We’re proud to be a partner of key IT providers to the government who continue to be relevant assets by consistently improving their offerings. Catch up on a few of the recent product updates from our partners: