
CAD General, Digital Design, Technology, Tips and How-Tos
Late in 2017, Autodesk and ESRI announced a new partnership to “advance infrastructure planning and design”. The relationship was positioned as helping build a bridge between building information modeling (BIM) and GIS technologies. But what does the relationship mean for government infrastructure projects? Taking 3D Contextual Design to the Next Level
Cybersecurity, IT Perspective, News, Technology
Shortly after the federal government suffered it’s largest and costliest data breach ever at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), a post-mortem analysis found that the breach was entirely preventable, and the exfiltration of security clearance files of government employees and contractors could have been prevented through the implementation of two-factor authentication for remote log-ons.
Cybersecurity, IT Perspective, Technology, Tips and How-Tos
Movies and TV would have us believe that data breaches are long, hard-fought battles between the good guy and the bad guy—and the bad guy wins. That could not be further from reality. Hackers are opportunistic. They want to spend as little time as possible getting into the system, getting what they need, getting out, and exploiting it as fast as possible.
Digital Design, IT Perspective, News, Technology, Tips and How-Tos, Uncategorized
The CAD and digital design sector is vast and growing at breakneck speed. It’s expected to reach $11.21 billion by 2023. Many end-use industries such as automotive, aerospace, entertainment, industrial machinery, civil and construction, electrical and electronics, pharmaceutical, and healthcare, consumer goods, and others, widely use CAD and 3D design-based tools in their development processes.
Big Data, Big Data & Analytics, Data & Storage, Data and Analytics, Healthcare, Technology
Blockchain is no longer just a buzzword or simply a “technology to watch.” This database technology is being explored by agencies across government, from the General Services Administration (GSA) to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), from the Federal Maritime Commission to military supply chain professionals across the Department of Defense (DoD). The promise of blockchain is dramatic. It can help enhance agencies’ business processes and provide far greater transparency and efficiency.
CAD General, Digital Design, Technology, Tips and How-Tos
The holidays have arrived early to the government CAD community. Lynn Allen is coming to town and online in a city near you! DLT has partnered with everyone’s favorite Autodesk evangelist and tips and tricks queen to bring you a series of tech breakfasts and webinars. Starting this May and continuing over the next few months across the U.S., Lynn will share what’s new with AutoCAD 2019 (aka One AutoCAD) and dive into trends and happenings in the world of government digital design. Here’s what May has in store: