
The 2018 federal busy season, or FFYE, is upon us. With almost one-third of agency dollars being awarded during the last quarter of the fiscal year, this is peak buying season and the busiest time of year for federal procurement officers.
Cloud Computing
Artificial intelligence (AI) is coming. Contrary to the stuff of science fiction, however, AI has the potential to have a positive impact within the federal IT community. The adoption of AI will likely be the result of the adoption of hybrid and cloud IT computing.
As hackers get more sophisticated, endpoint protection (EP) systems have grown more sophisticated. While no one claims to catch everything, endpoint protection matures each year. Let’s see what modern EP products have to do these days.
Digital Design
Download the eBook here! If you’re one of the millions of people who’ve been lucky enough to hear Lynn Allen present, you’ll know her as the queen of AutoCAD tips and tricks and all-round Autodesk technical evangelist, but she also knows quite a bit about the latest disruptive technology – BIM.
Big Data & Analytics
There are many opportunities in the public sector for data science and data analytics, yet, almost as many challenges. When we kicked off Big Data Month at DLT, we asked our Chief Data Scientist, Sherry Bennett, for her insights. What became clear is that the obstacles to big data success are universal to both the public and private sector: “…everybody…is grappling with the same thing.
Big Data & Analytics
The use of facial recognition software to support law enforcement efforts is nothing new – in the movies that is. In 1997, the sci-fi classic The Fifth Element equipped its futuristic airborne police vehicles with tools that let officers compare facial scans of the movie’s mysterious alien heroine to a central criminal database in the hope of making an identification. Twenty years on, scenarios like this are fast becoming normalized.