
In a recent blog post, DLT Chief Technology Officer David Blankenhorn shared his insight on DLT’s evolution to a government solutions aggregator:
Big Data & Analytics
The Federal Data Strategy principles (, as currently articulated, are a set of best practices and guidelines, which could be utilized to govern the development and maturity of an organization’s management of data as an asset.  However, without guidance or a framework within which to actualize these principles, these principles may well be rendered a wish-list.
“Cyber Hygiene”:  you know the term, but what does it really mean? Some say it is an ill-defined set of practices for individuals to follow (or ignore). Others say it is a measure of an organization’s overall commitment to security.  Still, others think of “cyber hygiene” as simple, readily available technologies and practices for cybersecurity.
Digital Design
What do a Facebook data center, a railway, an expressway, an office building extension, and a cancer center have in common? These and other global projects are recipients of this year’s AEC Excellence Awards in recognition of how they’ve embraced technology to reimagine the processes of design and construction.
Benefits and social security fraud are a huge cost to taxpayers. In 2016, the White House estimated these losses at $144 billion. Fraud can take many forms from making false statements on a social security claim, misuse of benefits by a family member or friend, altering claims, duplicate billing for the same service, embezzlement, and so on.
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