
Cloud Computing
2019 will be the year of the hybrid cloud, claim federal executives. As offices like FedRAMP, OMB, and GSA continue to promote cloud computing as the path to IT modernization, hybrid cloud can help alleviate the regulatory compliance and security requirements that agencies must adhere to. With a hybrid strategy, agencies can maintain legacy applications and an on-premise infrastructure, while leveraging the public cloud for extra storage or compute power as needed, or when they need to introduce new services.
Big Data & Analytics, Digital Design
The state of our nation’s infrastructure is grim. The most recent report card from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave U.S. infrastructure an overall score of “D” for “poor” or “at risk”.
Article written by Jim Hansen, VP of Products, Security, SolarWinds Earlier this year, the Department of Defense (DoD) released a policy memo stating that DoD personnel—as well as contractors and visitors to DoD facilities—may no longer carry mobile devices in areas specifically designated for “processing, handling, or discussion of classified information.”
Digital Design
If your job involves capturing existing field conditions as part of the design and construction process, you’ll know it’s a tedious, manual, often analog and inaccurate process, which often leads to costly re-work. Whether you’re renovating a building or involved in a large-scale infrastructure project, the process goes something like this:
IT Perspective
The ongoing 2018-2019 government shutdown which directly impacts 800,000 federal workers is on its way towards being the longest in history with President Trump saying it could continue for months or years. The longer the shutdown lasts the wider the impacts to government systems, programs, citizens and businesses. Here are some expected and unexpected fallouts of the current government shutdown. Muddying an Already Complicated Tax Season
Cloud Computing
Cloud services are accelerating agility and collaboration and generating cost-efficiencies for government agencies. But as the public sector takes more and more advantage of the cloud, it’s important not to forget the data. In SaaS environments, agencies own the security of that data and need to access it appropriately. When using IaaS or PaaS, government is also responsible for the security of those workloads and the correct configuration of the underlying application and infrastructure components.