
The security of public sector networks is under attack. Each day security and IT professionals work hard to defend the integrity of mission-critical data and systems against increasingly frequent and complex cyberattacks. Staying informed is critical to staying ahead. That’s great, but there are literally dozens of cyber news outlets, journals, and bloggers to follow. Security leaders and practitioners don’t have time to filter what’s urgent and relevant to their organizations. That’s why we’ve created GovCybersecurityHub.
*Article written by Jim Hansen, VP of Products, Security and Application Management
This month, DLT sat down with James Ebeler, the Chief Technology Officer, Department of Defense, for Iron Bow Technologies. In this interview, James discusses the cybersecurity challenges facing our military and how Iron Bow is helping solve them with innovative solutions. DLT: Good morning, James. Thanks for joining us today for this interview. James: Good morning, happy to be here. DLT: Fantastic, let’s dive right in. First, can you tell us about your role at Iron Bow Technologies?
The first half of 2019 continued to be a busy one for cybersecurity teams and their organizations. But the nature of the adversary is changing. New insight from DLT partner, CrowdStrike, finds that attackers are “continuing to ramp up in both their brazen behavior and sophisticated means.”
*Article originally posted on GovCybersecurityHub here.
The DoD Cybersecurity Strategy stresses nine key points. With the end of FFYE looming, are you aligning your spending with these objectives?