
Article by James Hofsiss, CISSP, DLT and Asad Zaman, Sales Engineer III, DLT
Cloud Computing
This will be the first in what DLT intends to be an ongoing series of posts highlighting what our partners are building for the Public Sector using AWS.  The Challenge A Global Service provider wanted a way to develop a messaging solution, to augment, marketing and sales teams for promoting events using a standard Calendar Invite.
Application Lifecycle
Article originally posted to the GovDevSecOpsHub here.  
Application Lifecycle
Article originally posted to the GovDevSecOpsHub here.
Application Lifecycle, Cybersecurity
Federal agencies are developing and releasing software and apps at a rapid speed. This haste comes at a price. Verizon reports that nearly 70% of the data breaches it investigated in 2019 were due to attackers targeting vulnerabilities in public-facing web applications. It also introduces compliance risk.
Application Lifecycle
Cloud native is transforming how the public sector builds and runs applications bringing agility, flexibility, scalability, and decreased downtime and cost. The de facto foundation of cloud native application development is Kubernetes. But getting started with Kubernetes isn’t as simple as it appears. While it’s relatively uncomplicated to spin up a cluster in the cloud, getting from there to production is a bit more daunting.