
Market Intelligence
This past week, President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. It contains a total of $750 billion dedicated to a number of provisions, including combatting climate change challenges. The legislation itself has been in the works just over a year and directs funds to several initiatives that those in the contracting sphere will want to watch.
Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Technology, Tips and How-Tos
The term "Integrated Management Workplace System" (IWMS) was first used by Gartner in 2004 to refer to a program that could manage and integrate all business and workplace requirements into a single, centralized solution. Since then, a number of solutions have emerged with the aim of bringing together various operational and organizational areas that had previously tended to operate in isolation from one another.
Cybersecurity, Federal Government, State & Local Government
This is the second post in the Threat-Based Methodology series. The first post introduced Threat-Based Methodology and the analysis conducted by the FedRAMP PMO and NIST. That post concluded with a list of the top seven controls based on their Protection Value. This post will explore CM-6 in greater depth and explain how Devo supports the ability to meet this control.
Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Technology
The development world has changed, and organizations are still adapting to developing in the cloud. Cloud native technology and containers are now at the forefront of software development, meaning that software no longer exists and operates locally. However, despite these quick advancements, cloud native application security still lags behind. This article will cover how you should approach cloud native application security and why Snyk is the best solution for your needs.
Cybersecurity, Education, Federal Government, State & Local Government
This three-part blog series will explore threat-based methodology and how it benefits every company with a network. The series leverages the analysis presented by the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) Program Management Office (PMO) in conjunction with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Application Lifecycle, Federal Government, IT Infrastructure, Open Source
You can spend hours scrolling down the rabbit hole of government IT horror stories, which makes the recent launch of the federal website for ordering free COVID tests that much more remarkable. The website worked, and it was surprisingly easy to use. But that success belies decades of underinvestment in digital transformation that has stifled public sector innovation and hardened the government's low-tech image. For example: