Technically News: Better Procurement, A Modern IT System for SSA, Data Mandates and a new Messaging App

Better Procurement, Communication Needed at DHS

At Washington Technology’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Industry Tech Day, a large emphasis was put on the procurement process within the agency and how to partner more closely with industry companies. With so many technology adjustments and changes on the horizon, it’s crucial that DHS and its partners remain transparent through the procurement process to best align with its overall mission and strategy. The transparency should start at the “shopping” phase and remain consistent even after the technology has been implemented. For more information, check out Washington Technology’s article.

More Modern IT Could Keep SSA from Mailing out Social Security Numbers

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has been requested by the federal government to not use social security numbers (SSN) as a personal identifier, reports FCW. Just last year, close to 233 million paper notices that were mailed out included SSNs, which increases the chances of identity theft. A solution to the SSN problem is upgrading SSA’s IT system so that SSNs can be replaced with Beneficiary Notice Control Numbers (BNCs), however it also means putting other high priority IT projects on hold.

Are Agencies Drowning in Data Mandates?

Recently, agencies have been given several mandates to standardize their data, as well as make data sets open to the public. The OPEN Government DATA Act and DATA Act are just two of the mandates that agencies like the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) are required to implement. The reason behind the mandates is to better make use of data when evaluating federal programs, however many agencies are feeling the stress of having to not only standardize all of their data, but also having to simultaneously upgrade their systems in order to help with the change. For more information about the data mandates, read the full story on

Pentagon Wants Its Own Secure Messaging System

The Pentagon has requested an application that can transmit messages between the troops and the headquarters without fear of messages getting intercepted by enemies. The app could be used via a web browser or a standalone application and would allow messages to self-delete after they are sent. It would be used as a vehicle to send intelligence, contracts and other secretive documents and messages. The project has three different stages, but is currently just in the beginning phases. Read more on