Technically Speaking’s Top 10 Articles From 2013

This year, you came, you read, and here are the results for the most viewed blogs from 2013. We had diverse mix of traditional blogs, tutorials, and even an infographic.

Check out the list below and catch-up on any articles you may have missed. Then, tell us you favorite articles of the year … whether they made the list or not.

  1. RHEL 6.4 & Potential Authentication Issues Red Hat released Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 earlier in the year. Matt Micene wanted to make you aware of an upstream behavioral change that could cause authentication and other issues. The credit for this goes to a customer and friend who called him after updating to RHEL 6.4 to fix a kernel problem they were hitting.
  2. Mastering Civil 3D’s Intersection Wizard To Create A 4-Way Intersection
    Civil 3D contains many engineering tools for roadway design. This article describes the use of the intersection wizard to create a four-way intersection that maintains each road’s crown elevation.
  3. The RHN Satellite Survival Guide
    Matt posted a series of articles on tips, tricks and considerations on Red Hat's RHN Satellite system life-cycle management tool. He put things he learned from his own missteps, information from friends inside Red Hat, and perspectives gained from talking with others who work with RHN Satellite on a daily basis.
  4. Henry Sienkiewicz: DISA’s Vision For Cybersecurity
    Merry Beekman had the privilege of hearing Henry Sienkiewicz, Vice Chief Information Assurance Executive for DISA at a luncheon in the beginning of the year. These are her five key takeaways from that presentation.
  5. Reduce Your Cyberpain: Restrict Data Access to Those With a Need to Know
    Over the past few months, our cybersecurity “situational awareness” has been encouraged by events including attacks on the New York Times, Twitter, and Facebook; the release of compelling evidence that many of our “cyberpain” can be traced to foreign, state-sponsored organizations; and the President’s timely Executive Order for Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. Van Ristau explores the question: have we reached a tipping point?
  6. Why Build a Private Cloud?
    IT is currently facing two dilemmas. The first is many want their private cloud architecture to work with their existing data center. Secondly, IT professionals are looking to build private clouds that are open to other clouds but also equipped to run existing in-house systems and applications. So you may be asking yourself, “Why should I build a private cloud?” Here’s why.
  7. Building The Next Generation Of Cyber Defenders
    Jim Wiggins is the Executive Director of the Federal IT Security Institute (FITSI). This video from his presentation from the GovDefenders Cybersecurity Virtual Event, explains how to build the next generation of cyber defenders.
  8. 10GB Ethernet Networks: Why It’s Time To Upgrade
    One of the most common questions Mark Spadea is asked from clients is, “What are the differences between a 1GB and 10GB Ethernet network?” This blog breaks them down.
  9. The Reality of Cyberpain Infographic
    Earlier in the list, Van Ristau coined the term "cyberpain" to describe the daily headache you get as a result of keeping your agency cybersecure. You've told us the constant pounding only gets worse when you're trying to explain the complexities involved to others. So we've developed this cybersecurity infographic.
  10. How Government Agencies Are Using LiDAR to Cut Costs Across Hundreds of Use Cases

LiDAR, a remote sensing system used for mapping the surface of the earth, is now at the heart of many government data gathering projects – from mapping desert terrain in Afghanistan to creating forest height maps. Caron Beesley presents us with a few examples.