Smile and Dial – The DLT Solutions’ CSA Program

To meet the needs of the entry-level sales people joining the DLT Solutions team, DLT developed a dynamic program called the DLT Corporate Sales Associate (CSA) program. The Corporate Sales Associate Program, or CSA Program for short, is a 45 day training program designed to empower new sales associates to contribute to the company from day one on the job, while helping them building the skills and relationships necessary to be successful throughout their career. While participants in the program, CSAs develop the skills needed to drive the primary value proposition of DLT Solutions – generating, qualifying and delivering incremental public sector sales opportunities for the solution portfolios of our strategic vendor partners. The program, originally called the Duck Pond and spearheaded by long-time DLT’er Sarah Lash, took only 30 days to complete and was an entry level program specific to the Autodesk Division.  Seeing the need for a change, the program increased to a 45 day program to ensure DLT could provide CSA’s with the knowledge and tools for their success upon joining a sales division. Russell Caldarone, Manager of Corporate Learning and Development, and leader of the CSA program said of the change “we took a great program and were able to enhance it by adding more sales-focused training. “We gave the program a wider focus, teaching new employees about government, the public sector IT market, as well as continuing to focus on the skills needed to prepare CSAs to be successful sales people. The new program creates a better rounded employee.” The change to the program also saw the creation of the CSA Valedictorian Award. The Valedictorian Award recognizes an individual CSA who has gone above and beyond normal expectations. The Award recipient is selected by Caldarone with input from managers, on a quarterly basis and is presented to those CSAs demonstrating leadership, teamwork and initiative. This Valedictorian award is one of many ways that DLT recognizes the outstanding contributions of its team.  Check out other awards and rewards in our 20th Anniversary Art Piece and read more stories of how DLT became a success from the strength of its workforce.