DLT Solutions’ Ownership Change Positioned us for Continued Growth

DLT started in the early 1990’s as a small GSA reseller.  For years, it followed that path…small, informal, limited oversight, “ready-fire-aim” operation.  Fast-forward to 2002 when the founder Tom Marrelli passed away and his estate created a formal Board of Directors to direct the company.  With existing management in turmoil and ownership issues in dispute, the Board turned to a crisis management firm to run the company. It was under that context that Rick Marcotte assumed the CEO position in mid-2004.  Under Marrelli’s mantra of “eating an elephant one bite at a time,” Rick set out to prioritize the numerous issues and stabilize the Company….show leadership and commitment to the vendors; calm the employees; ensure customer satisfaction doesn’t degrade; “professionalize” the business. Within a short time, the results were being felt.  A professional team was assembled.  HR policies were documented, the benefit programs were enhanced, the professional contracts and compliance organization was implemented, operating metrics were created, and so on. Every business process was re-engineered and a 5-year strategic plan was developed.  Sales increased, vendors were confident in the business, and customer P.O.’s proved that the company was on the right track. When the ownership issues were settled in 2005, the company was put up for sale.  Marcotte realized that none of the potential strategic or financial buyers had meaningful insight into the “soul” of DLT, and he demonstrated his entrepreneurship and commitment by leading a management buyout of the company in October of 2005. With Rick at the helm, DLT has matured from a rudderless, free-wheeling fulfillment company to a professional, metrics-driven, award-winning provider of IT products, services and solutions in the highly competitive government sector.