DLT Race for the Cup – Competitive Team Building

2010 DLT Solutions, Race for the CupWhat do rodents, beer, pizza, coins and infectious disease have in common? Nothing, right? Well at DLT, they do. No, we don’t have rats running around the office. We are also clear of infectious disease. The above was just one of 24 clues for the fourth annual DLT Race for the Cup Scavenger Hunt. The DLT Social Committee invented The DLT Race for the Cup a few years ago as a social, team building activity, and it has quickly become one the most anticipated events at DLT Solutions. Starting at about 5 p.m. on Friday, June 4, twelve limos and party busses filled the DLT parking lot. It was safe to say that the other tenants of our building were a little jealous. Twelve teams of ten people each piled into their luxurious rides and set out on a journey across the Washington DC metro area. The rules were simple: the team that solves the most clues and gets to the ending location before 9, wins. If you haven’t guessed the above clue, the answer is Chuckie Cheese. Now it makes a little more sense right? There was a list of clues similar to that one. The Race for the Cup is a great way to get to know your co-workers, engage in a little friendly competition, and overall have a great time. My team rolled into a local watering hole just before the 9:00 pm cut-off. While we didn’t win, we were treated to a great, post-race party. It was a great day and a good time was had by all. As an added bonus, over $2,000 was donated to charity. The countdown has started for next year’s race. [SWF]http://blogs.dlt.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Rac_Cup_pics2.swf, 500, 375[/SWF] Race for the Cup 2010