The IC’s Push for Secret Transparency

The Department of Defense Intelligence Information System (DoDIIS) conference took place in San Antonio, Texas from December 12-15. Its annual gathering of industry and government personnel invites networking, exhibitors and speakers to take on the top IT challenges currently facing the Department of Defense (DOD). Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, Dr. Stacy Dixon, spoke to the audience at large regarding data, its challenges, and opportunities within the intelligence community (IC).

Take Control of Your Workplaces With Archibus IWMS on AWS

The term "Integrated Management Workplace System" (IWMS) was first used by Gartner in 2004 to refer to a program that could manage and integrate all business and workplace requirements into a single, centralized solution. Since then, a number of solutions have emerged with the aim of bringing together various operational and organizational areas that had previously tended to operate in isolation from one another.

How To Approach Cloud Native Application Security and Why Snyk is the Best Solution for Your Needs

The development world has changed, and organizations are still adapting to developing in the cloud. Cloud native technology and containers are now at the forefront of software development, meaning that software no longer exists and operates locally. However, despite these quick advancements, cloud native application security still lags behind.

This article will cover how you should approach cloud native application security and why Snyk is the best solution for your needs.

Data Governance: Here’s a Fix to the People Problem and the Technology Problem

Government agencies store large volumes of information. Yet poor data quality and a lack of collaboration across functions can be stumbling blocks to information governance.  Some of the data is dirty, messy, and non-standardized making data sharing a challenge. Without holistic data governance, data is chaotic

But some organizations still see data governance as it used to be – siloed projects focused on compliance. Government enterprises spend all their time struggling to implement data governance. And, in the end, no one trusts the data.

The Inconvenient Truth About Professional Development in the Government Workplace

When you think of learning or professional development in the workplace, what thoughts spring to mind? Enduring another lunch and learn where a colleague shares their insights? Struggling to stay awake through another PowerPoint?

That kind of learning can be drudgery, even if it does come with a free lunch. But it doesn’t have to be that way. As Natalie Portman said: “I don’t love studying. I hate studying. I like learning. Learning is beautiful.

The 70:20:10 Rule

One-of-a-Kind Purchasing Program Simplifies Higher Ed Cloud Adoption

Keeping pace with changes in enterprise-level technology is no easy feat. For education institutions and universities, in particular, making sense of the available options for managing complex operational and technological infrastructures can be mind-boggling.

The importance of cloud computing in this mix can’t be underestimated. Today, nearly 70% of higher education institutions in North America have moved or are moving systems to the cloud, while 50% have adopted cloud-based collaboration systems.

Top 5 Reasons to Migrate Your Oracle Licenses

Ever wonder what to do with your old, out-of-date software licenses from Oracle? Technology is constantly improving and new programs are being developed all the time.  Some of those old programs are combined with others to form new product bundles, some are upgraded and repackaged, and some are simply retired and replaced by new programs.  Fortunately, the license migration is a way to make sure that your licenses remain useful and valuable over time as technologies and business needs evolve, and facilitates effective license management by you, the end user.