Around the Water Cooler

One evening last week I was watching an episode of 60 Minutes where they were examining the information several scientists have collected about the melting of the icecaps in Antartica. During the discussion, they mentioned that the resulting melt was providing a crucial source of drinking water for people in India, China and several other large countries. It started me thinking about the water that we drink everyday – where it comes from, how it gets to us, and how can we make the best decisions about our responsibility to the source of our water supply. We spend 8 hours a day, 5 days per week here at DLT. During that time, many of us make use of the water coolers that are located in the two DLT kitchens. Sometimes there’s even a line while everyone fills up their various containers. It’s a great thing – and I mean really great! And not just from a social perspective.