RAC and Stack

Storage Foundation Volume Manager Operations will co-exist with Oracle ASM (Automatic Storage Management) without any performance penalties.  VERITAS Storage Foundation Dynamic Multi-Pathing provides Seamless Multi-path failover capabilities and is complementary to ASM for both high availability and performance.  Customers who wish to use Oracle ASM and VERITAS Storage Foundation together should be careful to follow the procedures.  Oracle ASM is a new feature of Oracle 10g to streamline storage management and provisioning.  ASM provides volume and (CLU

The 800-Pound Gorilla in the room named Oracle

Change has been the one constant for Oracle over the past five years.  Since 2005, Oracle has acquired over 60 companies that have added both new solutions and technical expertise to what was already considered to be one of the premier software development shops on the planet.  Some you’d heard of, like Peoplesoft, Siebel and BEA, others were less well known, but each brought new capabilities to the Oracle “stack” and h