Extract New Returns from Legacy Systems Via Application Modernization

Within today’s tight operational margins and changing users and demands, sustaining legacy enterprise applications (custom or COTs) requires significant operating budget that may hinder your ability to adapt to an ever changing enterprise IT landscape. As enterprise IT becomes an important competitive building block, enterprise applications are getting larger which deters innovation and poses the risk of cost overruns.

Open Source Software: The Future of Innovation

Many of the products we use or hear about, from fighter jets to infusion pumps, are powered by software. Software holds the keys to innovation of the next big product by giving it an edge from feature to quality. The line of code or software embedded in a product makes a wonder in the modern world. In an effort to save money for the design, development, and market introduction of products, using open source software not only changes the way organizations innovate, but how they achieve their mission.

Enlightened Componentry

Gunnar Hellekson was good enough to help me along the path with this response on commoditization, one of my favorite words. The grounding idea for me is "undifferentiated good". Undifferentiated (another good word) is a biological concept that means "having no special structure or function." How better to bring me out of the spin I was in and back to the path at hand?

Confusion or Enlightenment [Update]

A funny thing happened at Mil-OSS LANT, I disagreed with Gunnar Hellekson! Let me be clear. Gunnar and I see eye to eye, so I feel the need to work it out in print. As usual, Gunnar put forth a very cogent and highly articulate presentation about removing complexity from software design using better design choices, fixing specialization in IT to something saner, oh and open source software. As referenced on page 18 of the presentation, "Craftsmanship is the enemy": shout it from the rooftops. Stop building better engines and start building cars, so consumers can consume not construct. If welders can weld anything, why can't system admins admin any system?

Virtualization, the next Shake Weight?

Are technology trends such as Virtualization, Cloud Computing and Open Source Software the Shake Weights of the IT Industry? Are IT professionals relying on them to be the magic bullet/quick fix for solving software efficiency? That’s the question that Jason Corey, U.S. Navy Client Executive at Red Hat proposes in the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for the Navy Webcast.