What Is a Green Holiday?

When I think about the upcoming holidays I feel, honestly, a bit of stress. The holiday season, by its very nature, brings with it a more harried pace. The quest to find the perfect gift for each person on my list adds an extra bit of angst. And, you don’t have to spend much time with Annie Leonard’s Story of Stuff (http://www.storyofstuff.com/) to wonder if there is a way to put a little green back in the holidays. What I’m talking about is getting back to basics and thinking outside of the Macy’s gift box.

Go Green Committee | DLT Solutions Recycles Coffee Grounds for Compost

Where’s the Dirt at DLT? I’ll bet that most people don’t often think about dirt. For most of us, the only dirt we experience on a daily basis is what’s happening in Hollywood with the latest celebrity antics and what we need to wash off potatoes before baking them. There isn’t much of a connection to where and how our food grows before it reaches the supermarket in nice, neat little packages. Baby carrots, anyone? I recently talked with DLT’s very own David Masembwa about his dirt.