Critical Infrastructure: Principles & Activities to Achieve a Strong Cybersecurity Posture

We’ve posted the GovDefenders panel on YouTube. Moderated by DLT Solutions’ Chief Technology Officer Van Ristau, the panel featured Ken Durbin, Continuous Monitoring Practice Manager, Symantec; Paul Christman, Vice President, Dell Software Public Sector; and Wallace Sann, Regional Vice President – Systems Engineering & Federal Chief Technology Officer, ForeScout.

The Next Chapter in Federal Cybersecurity

I recently appeared on a panel for Federal Times at their “The Next Chapter in Federal Cybersecurity: Continuous Monitoring & Identity Access for Secure Networks” breakfast event. I was joined by Deborah Gallagher, Director, Identity Assurance & Trusted Access Division, Office of Governmentwide Policy, GSA and Paul Grant, Strategy Advisor for Cybersecurity, Defense Department, Office of the CIO. We didn’t get through all the questions so I thought I’d continue the conversation here.

Technically News – 5/2

This week in Technically News: Buzzword Engineering, or The Curse of Nicholas Carr; DHS Says Stop Using Internet Explorer; Tech Council Blasts IT Acquisition Report; FBI warns Healthcare of Vulnerability to Cyberattacks; Pentagon Plays Catch-Up with Cloud Computing