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This week in Technically News: Google Adds BYOD Management Tools for Android; 4 Government Programs that Drive Innovation; CIA, NSA See Benefits in Double-Barreled Approach to the Cloud; Top 10 Virtualization Killers; Can State & Local Govs Benefit From the US Commerce Department’s Cybersecurity Program; Oracle Launches Database 12c for Clouds.

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This week in Technically News: Speeding Up IT Procurement; Saving Government Tweets is Tougher Than You Think; Enterprise Cybersecurity: The Case for Using Analytics to Manage Risk; Defense Dept. Seeks $450M Cloud Building; What's Wrong with Cybersecurity Training; Five Steps to Make FedRAMP Work for You – According to DLT’s Chief Cloud Technologist.

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This week in Technically News: Civic Hackers (the good kind) Help Local Governments; Agencies Hot for Big Data, But Plans, Resources Are Lacking; NIST, DHS Push Security Automation to the Next Stage; Amazon’s Invasion of the CIA is a Seismic Shift in Cloud Computing; Google & Red Hat Collaborate on App Engine in Private Clouds; DLT Solutions & Oracle to Save Navy $60 Million

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In this week's Technically News: Flexera Software Study Reveals Organizations Are Unprepared for Software License Compliance Risks Arising from Virtualization; Energy Secretary Creates Cybersecurity Council; Federal Consolidation Effort Uncovers Additional 3,000 Data Centers; Federal Agencies Graded on Cybersecurity.

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This week in Technically News: One Small Step for NASA, One Giant Leap for Open Source; Chinese Hack Targets Weapons’ Designs; SolarWinds Raises Profile in Cloud-Based IT Management; 30 Years of Accumulation: A Timeline of Cloud Computing; Tracking the Evolution of Big Data: A Timeline.

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In this week's Technically News: Obama Orders Agencies to Make Data Open, Machine-Readable; Fixing Flaws in Federal Government IT Security; Hearing Set to Probe Data Center Progress; Amazon Web Services Leading Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service App Development; Driving Better Governance with Open Source; The Fully-Secure Quantum Internet System.

GovDefenders Wednesdays | NASCIO Midyear Conference: Focus on Cybersecurity

DLT Solutions has been a corporate member of the National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO) for several years. We support the organization's conferences and serve on several NASCIO committees. This year's Midyear Conference was held in April in Washington D.C. and was attended by about 500 state CIOs, CIO staff members, and corporate sponsors. The event is usually rich with panels on topics of keen interest to members and presentations by Federal Government officials, and this year was no exception.