More than Just Maps – How Public Works Departments are Realizing the true Power of GIS

The visual appeal of a well-designed map created in GIS can blind many to the treasure within. It can also lead people to believe all we are doing is making pretty maps. If you're working for an agency that still doesn't “get” GIS, how can you help open their eyes to the true value hidden within the map? Sometimes the best way is to determine a question your agency has always wondered about and use GIS to provide the answer. One question for our city was, does every building in the city have a water meter? To answer this, we simply plotted in GIS all the water meter accounts using addresses from a file given to us from water billing. Then we compared these account locations to the locations of existing buildings. We used the polygons from our building feature, but we could have also used an aerial. By doing this, we could tell right away where there was a building but no meter. And where we knew there was a building that had to be using water but was shown with no meter, we knew something was wrong. Because we also have water service lines and shut-off valves in GIS, we could also see if there was a service but no meter. But any utility could perform the same check even if they had no service or shut-off data.