Road Rehab – A Fix for This Time-Consuming Civil Engineering Challenge
Look out for the pot hole! Did you know that one out of every five miles of highway pavement is in poor condition and in need of rehabilitation? If you’re a civil engineer, you’re probably not surprised. The bulk of highway system funding goes towards highway repair, and with good reason.
4 Tips for Controlling Road Corridor Daylighting within Autodesk InfraWorks
One of our favorite tools for conceptual civil/infrastructure design exploration is undoubtedly Autodesk InfraWorks (formerly Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler). Using Road Styles in tandem with the built-in proposals feature, it’s incredibly easy to explore the differences between several typical sections or even alignment options. Although typical sections are easily created as Road Styles within Autodesk InfraWorks, nowhere does the software provide an option to set daylight slopes. So how does Autodesk InfraWorks determine the slopes used to tie back into your existing ground surface?