Celebrating 10 Years of Acronym - Cadalyst Expert Interview with our Editor

10 years ago we had the genesis of an idea - to start a publication that catered exclusively to an under-served sector - government CAD users.

Filled with tips, ideas, insights and examples of CAD and digital design at work in government, Acronym Magazine was first published in 2005. Now 10 years later, we've gone completely digital and are still the ONLY blog that addresses the needs of public-sector CAD users.

How to Spread your Time and Resources Across Different CAD Software

How many CAD programs do you manage? Long ago it was probably just one – AutoCAD or some other 2D design software. But with the advent of 3D design, and all that comes with it (design review software, mobile integration software, simulation tools, field apps, collaboration software, etc.), CAD managers have their hands full.

If you are managing many pieces of CAD software, you’re probably wondering how you can optimize project workflows and where it’s best to focus most of your energies.

How to Choose the Right Computer Hardware for your CAD Work

With federal fiscal year coming to an end on September 30th, CAD managers may be wondering how to make the best use of those “use-it-or-lose-it” tax dollars.

What about upgrading that CAD hardware you use?

Cadalyst recently published a great article that guides CAD users through the various scenarios and use cases that impact any decision you make about choosing your next hardware. Should you focus on the speed of your next CPU? What about memory and storage? How will you be using the machine?