Top Tips for a Successful BIM Implementation

The old adage “measure twice, cut once” certainly applies to technology implementations. When it comes to moving from 2D drafting to full-fledged BIM and 3D parametric design, technology changes necessitate significant cultural, process and workflow standards adjustments as well. Based on hundreds of successful implementations, Avatech regards the following considerations vital to success.

BIM & Facilities Management: Closing the Loop

Read more about using BIM to integrate building design and planning with post-construction facility management. Government facility managers have a difficult but essential job: They must ensure that a building and its services are functioning as designed and as required by the building occupants. They work mainly behind-the-scenes supporting their customers—the agencies and departments that depend on the electrical, mechanical, and other building systems to perform their jobs.

BIM has Left the Station

Read about how BIM is revolutionizing new government building projects and how GSA is actively pursuing BIM. The Government building industry is in the midst of a revolution – a revolution in building design. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is significantly impacting new building projects, both in the commercial and government spaces. While BIM tools have been primitive and under-developed in the past, they are now mature enough to be used in prime time.