6 Ways to Take Your Agency’s Application Security Program to the Next Level
If your agency has already implemented some form of application security, you’re already ahead of the curve. But your program may still have room for improvement.
To help you take your application security (AppSec) program to the next level, we’ve put together this list of best practices from DLT partner, Veracode.
1. Shift Left
What is the Importance of Application Security
Do developers at your company keep application security top of mind when coding? Do they have training in secure code development? Do they have the tools to develop code securely? If they find a security issue, can they quickly fix the issue in all instances throughout a large-scale application? If they use open-source code, do they verify its security?
Container Security: Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures
Containers offer many advantages for management, deployment, and efficient development of applications. Like any technology, however, they are subject to attack from malicious actors, and require diligent security. Vulnerabilities can appear in the container images themselves, in the registry where they are stored, or in the orchestration and deployment of the images. Let’s take a look.
Image Vulnerabilities & Countermeasures