Technically News - 11/4

In this week's Technically News: The Danger of Cybersecurity 'Ghettos'; Federal Tiger Team Crafted Mobile Security Guidelines; Mellanox Optimizes Network Gear for OpenStack; Why We Need Digital Government Strategy 2.0; Federal Agencies Advised To Brace For Big Data; DLT, NetApp Unveil Cloud Storage Suite for Govt Market.

Technically News – 10/28

This week in Technically News: What To Do When Your Computer Gets Kidnapped By Ransomware; Why the US Government Needs a “Digital Core”; Google or Microsoft? Army Users Get Choice; 8 Areas for Improvement in Securing Critical Infrastructure; Stabilizing DHS Cybersecurity Leadership

Technically News - 10/21

This week in Technically News: IaaS Performance Benchmarks Part 2: AWS; CryptoLocker, Kegotip, Medfos Malware Triple-Threat; How Government IT Uses Virtualization to Lock Down Clouds; State CIO Scramble to Keep Pace with Technology; 7 Keys to More Modern & Secure Government.

Technically News - 10/14

This week in Technically News: NC Government Center Seeks Better IT Management; Cybersecurity Help Wanes Due to Government Shutdown; Should CIOs Be Worried About the Federal Shutdown?; Infrastructure Cybersecurity: Carrots and Sticks; How Analytics is Making NYC’s Streets and Buildings Safer.

Technically News – 10/7

This week in Technically News: Shutdown Heightens Cybersecurity Risks, Feds Warn; Symantec Knocks Half a Million Computers Out of the ZeroAccess Botnet; Budget Worries Grow for Government IT Leaders; Why IT's Economics Revolution Is More Than OpEx and CapEx; Your Fragile Supply Chain: Fatal to Business.

Technically News - 9/30

This week in Technically News: The State Worker: Lessons from Ohio’s State Tech Project; States Test New Credentialing Approaches; Observations From This Year’s NSA Open Source Industry Day; GAO: Agencies Can’t Get FISMA Just Right; CIOs See Big Data as Internet-like Innovation Platform for Government; Could Agencies Avoid Disaster in a Nirvanix-like Cloud Shutdown?

Technically News – 9/23

This week in Technically News: NetApp Outlines Strategy for Data Management Across Clouds; Major Changes Ahead as NIST Cybersecurity Framework Nears Oct. Publication; State Finds Power in Data Center Consolidation; More Than 1 in 5 Cyber Jobs Vacant at Key DHS Division; Cybersecurity Depends on Smarter Design, NIST Fellow Says.

Technically News - 9/16

This week in Technically News: Symantec to Start Revoking Customer’s SSL Certificates by October 1; Oracle Launches Cloud Services Built for Government Agencies; Red Hat CIO Takes an Open-Source Approach to Security & BYOD; Are Federal IT Initiatives Strangling Agency Networks; 13 Cloud Computing Stats for CIOs; Cybersecurity Legislation: What’s Next.

Technically News - 9/2

This week in Technically News: Army Admits To Major Computer Security Flaw; Secure Data, Not Devices; NIST Issues Preliminary Cybersecurity Draft Framework; Red Hat Unveils New Offerings, Cloud Certification at VMworld; Investment Capital Floods Cybersecurity Market.