Q4: The Federal Fiscal Year End Countdown

You read that title correctly; here we are near the end of another federal fiscal year. If you’re thinking it feels like Congress just passed the fiscal year 2024 (FY24) budget, you’re correct. Half of FY24 was spent in a state of continuing resolutions, with the passage of a final budget a whopping six months into the year, in March 2024. Federal agencies have had effectively half the time they would be allotted in an ideal fiscal year timeframe to spend less, the same, or in some cases more money.

A Tale of Two Budgets: FY24’s Status and What’s Next for IT in FY25

If you have been confused lately seeing multiple March dates with some mention of the federal budget tied to them, you are not crazy. There are in fact multiple budgets floating out there in the ether: some finalized versions for certain agencies, others still awaiting that vote and presidential approval for fiscal year 2024 (FY24), as well as a wholly new request for funding from the President for FY25 priorities. We will catch you up as succinctly as possible, and if FY24 sounds too confusing, read on to hear what’s catching attention across IT for FY25.

FFYE: 5 Ways Federal Agencies Can Plan Now for Next Year’s Busy Buying Season

With Federal Fiscal Year End rapidly approaching, government buyers can breathe a sigh of relief that the spending frenzy is almost over. But, you’re probably reading stories and anecdotes in the media about examples of wasteful spending that occurred during the last few weeks of the fiscal year as agencies rushed to spend their “use it or lose it” dollars.

5 Ways Technology Providers Can Manage Stress this Federal Fiscal Year-End

If you’re a technology solutions provider, we hope you had a great summer and managed to squeeze in some time off, because the busy season is here, and September has already been a frenzy.

Work is already a top source of stress for many Americans, but right now government procurement teams face enormous pressure as they rush to negotiate and award contracts while ensuring regulatory compliance before the federal fiscal year ends on September 30th.