State and Local Agencies Take Control of Infrastructure Modernization Project Success

The importance of infrastructure modernization cannot be understated in today’s environment of aging roadways, bridges and transit systems. However, project life-cycle coordination has kept many state a local agencies from completing these projects on time and within budget due to the inflexible and ineffective nature of traditional paper-based methods.  Add in the complexity of balancing multiple-and sometimes conflicting – demands and priorities, and these projects an quickly become a headache.

4 Tips for Controlling Road Corridor Daylighting within Autodesk InfraWorks

One of our favorite tools for conceptual civil/infrastructure design exploration is undoubtedly Autodesk InfraWorks (formerly Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler). Using Road Styles in tandem with the built-in proposals feature, it’s incredibly easy to explore the differences between several typical sections or even alignment options. Although typical sections are easily created as Road Styles within Autodesk InfraWorks, nowhere does the software provide an option to set daylight slopes. So how does Autodesk InfraWorks determine the slopes used to tie back into your existing ground surface?

7 On-Demand Autodesk University 2013 Classes that Govies Shouldn’t Miss

If you weren’t able to make it to Autodesk University 2013 or are looking for a recap of your favorite classes, you can now access hundreds of the AU 2013 classes online. Registration is free and gives you access to on-demand versions of select sessions, handouts, presentations, and more. You can also use the “Find a Class” search tool to drill down to a particular software, industry or subject matter.

CAD & GIS News for Govies 1/7

CAD News for Govies is a weekly feature on Acronym that scans thousands of industry articles to present you with a regular source of CAD and GIS news, information and ideas that impact the public sector. Here’s the latest round-up:

Pay-As-You-Go Design Software – Why Renting Makes Sense from an IT Perspective

10 Most Popular Blogs of 2013

Here we are again, another New Year, another opportunity to look back and plan ahead! Here at Acronym, it’s no exception. 2013 was an exciting year. From the astonishing success of our 2nd Annual Public Sector CAD Awards and Expo (hosted virtually in February and attended by nearly 1,000 people), the release of several new educational e-books, and the launch of our new website earlier this summer – 2013 has kept us busy!